co working lifestyle
ART | surfing | FOOD


Lifestyle&art we believe in collaborative growth

Visit, stay, start co-living…
coworking and collaborating or apply for our Open Call in residency.

We are lifestyle professionals creating in the Muizenberg Lovestories rabbit hole hosted at the ADMIRALS RESIDENCE

We found passion in exploring individual growth living an sustainable artist mindset. Hosting our artist residence program and a surf tour and coaching operation around the cape peninsula called enDosurf… .

The … lifestyle lodge

Our residence and your desire is all about carefully collaborating, regardless wether of professional private or recreational nature. We exist to cater, host and accommodate your needs. Workshop, holiday, function or get together, we will personally discuss your vision and make sure to provide all necessary infrastructure. You’ve found your ideal partner in turning your vision into a highly successful and inspiring event.

Once hosting and catering in the name of the Admiral who has built our residence in the early 19 hundreds we reinvented the premises as a hub providing professional and innovative services to anyone in need of accommodating infrastructures.

… hosts an artist residency co-working & surfing

ADMIRALS artist residence


Services and Products designed by appropriate engagement … study of craftsmanship and embracing the art of true passion

Formerly our team meetings were all about tides, swell, wind surfing and coaching, lockdown changed everything, an exciting experience for all of us. We had time to study what we appreciate and the result is the #muizenberglovestories lifestyle lodge.
Interested? Our program features…

The enDosurf… camp still provides accommodation and surf coaching. What we added is the Admirals Artist Residence and our co-working activities. Also, don’t forget we have a great kitchen where we do on site or remote catering and bake fresh bread for delivery in our friendly Neighborhood Bakery.

… contact us for more information

Learn about our activities…

We’d love to make a difference, and implement innovations.

…Your precious support can make a change. Book our services and contribute to a more creative world with your engagement.

ADMIRALS RESIDENCE #muizenberglovestories

Cape Coast Castle CC
64 Windermere Rd
Muizenberg 7945
Cape Town,
South Africa.

+27 (0)21 788 8688

… follow and grow with us

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