Displacement in Community

We’d like to invite art enthusiasts and artists interested to experience an afternoon of art at our exhibition. The opening will be on July 10th from 13:00 to 17:00. Meet the current artist, chat with them about their latest work and how they have created them during their residence here in Muizenberg. Enjoy the show and find out if the residence is also for you. There are a limited number of slots available for booking at the pre opening brunch from 11:30 to 13:00.
On show will be Athenkosi Kwinana, and Sharon Peters who live and work in Johannesburg. Also at the residency is Lwando Hlazo currently working in Queenstown. Their work experience at the residence has led them to call their group show Displacement in community.

“in Albinism, race and colour are disconnected”

Eastern Cape born artist Athenkosi has described her arrival from Johannesburg to Cape Town, as nothing more than nostalgic. The sight of rusting cars, fish and chips restaurants at every corner, and the smell of the sea from our residence have reminded her of journey as a person living with Albinism and as an artist. These flashbacks have strengthened her love for art and the visual activism she carries through her work. Athenkosi’s visual activism is rooted in her experiences of being a person living with Albinism. In relation to residency’s collaborative theme she explores the consequence that: “in Albinism, race and colour are disconnected”. To further explore this Athenkosi uses her coloured pencils to investigate notions of the skin.

Being and Becoming

Sharon Peters in contrast represents a highly intuitive process and it is always a surprise to see what is happening on her desk during the ongoing process as well as from one day to another. As the states: “Therefore without imposing my ideas onto the viewer, the process of being and becoming is basis in which I approach my body of work. Skin-like aesthetics play an essential role in how I use oil pastels, tissue paper and egg shells as a mixed medium.

The need to transform rather than try to fit into my own community inspires my work

Lwando Hlazo celebrates a deep connection to his home and where he comes from and seeks the benefit that lies in his return from the journey he has started “I find myself in my community, almost banished to go and navigate lands I do not know, for the growth and evolution of my tribe. I have a tribe, I belong to a tribe, yet my tribe cannot accommodate me as an artist.”. It is amazing to see him work focused and concentrated, determined to get the biggest challenges done. Arriving in Cape Town he started with the completion of a commissioned painting of 1,5 x 8 meters which unfortunately has left our premises ahead of the exhibition. He is now on track with his contribution to the group show.

An essential part of the residency is the role of communal assistance and collaboration on a common artistic output. This has played a major role on our excursions around the Peninsula as well as our vivid debates at the dinner table. We would love to see you around and have a 2nd round on this experience with you and the artist in front of their work.

Please contact us if you’re joining the opening with us and take your friends along for an exciting afternoon at our show.

Looking forward to meeting you.

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